商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:chuangweijt.qy6.com 对于A级防火保温板固件的安装细节_山东创伟外墙保温材料有限公司
联系人:杨经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-88811119-618
手 机:15553166931






Very strong adhesive sealant, shrinkage is relatively small, the color of the solid strength. In order to make the sealant function to the maximum effect, so we need to pay attention to some matters a fireproof insulation board construction.


1, sealant in a fireproof insulation board construction seven days before construction, construction temperature not lower than 0 degrees.


2, in the first 72 hours, must pay attention to prevent the sealing agent drying (especially the outdoor construction surface exposed to the sun), available at the time of natural kraft paper covering the construction surface (preferably not replaced with plastic cloth or newspaper), to prevent other construction work to do the dirty seam connection.


3, must be the surface cracks or a fireproof insulation board surface and the seam is clean, use a damp cloth to the surface wet, but do not leave the water, to reduce the hole crack inhalation paint and cement, and ensure the coloring and final condensation degree.


4, in order to help control color and reduce the powder, in 1-2 hours, use cotton cloth or clean dry towel to wipe the surface

杨经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0531-88811119-618
传  真: 0531-88986008
移动电话: 15553166931
公司地址: 中国山东济南市 地 址:山东省济南市历城区开源路615号
邮  编: 250000
公司主页: http://chuangweijt.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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山东创伟外墙保温材料有限公司 公司地址:中国山东济南市 地 址:山东省济南市历城区开源路615号
杨经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0531-88811119-618 传真:0531-88986008
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